bgeuA2 Consulting LLC specializes in the implementing business intelligence systems (BI - Business intelligence), providing services of predictive analytics and creating data warehouses. A2 Consulting has recently acquired membership in the Belarus High-Tech Park.

Under the signed agreement A2 Consulting LLC and Belarusian State Economic University will hold classes at the university and at the A2 Consulting training center which will operate as the branch of the BSEU Economic Informatics Department. The main competitive advantages of such classes for students are acquisition of practical skills, participation in real projects on business intelligence implementation, creation of data warehouses and development of analytical applications.

As early as 2020, A2 Consulting LLC will open a laboratory in one of the BSEU computer classes and provide access to BI licensed software - Qlik platform. According to the Gartner rating, Qlik platform makes the TOP-5 of the leading BI platforms along with Power BI, Tableau, SAS, SAP.